Yahoo Sports: Buzz Williams Will Be The Next Head Coach At Virginia Tech

"It's never easy to leave a great school like Marquette, where I spent seven wonderful years, six as the head coach,” Williams said in a statement released by Virginia Tech. "But this is a special situation to work at a place like Virginia Tech. I've

This is the third time this offseason that Buzz Williams has been connected to an open position. First it was Auburn, which quickly went to Bruce Pearl, and then it was South Florida. Now Virginia Tech. I want to take you back eight months. Does anyone

Williams will have his work cut out for him, going against VCU's Shaka Smart and Virginia's Tony Bennett on the fertile Virginia recruiting grounds. Related: Buzz Williams Arguing About a Foul Borders on Being NSFW [GIF]

But seriously, this is kinda impressive: I typed in "Buzz Williams" into our photo tool, and hundreds of photos of Buzz taken since Monarch was fired in 2012 came up. Typing in "Scott Monarch" yields zero photos. They had to 

Buzz Williams, left, reacts as Marquette's Derrick Wilson (33) steals the ball from Louisville's Peyton Silva on Jan. 16, 2012. More Photos. Video. Loading Poll. Whom would you like to see coach MU? Mike Hopkins: 2%. Ben Howland: 22%. Shaka Smart