Xbox Live down again as persistent troubles haunt the Xbox One

It's only been 49 days since 2016 started and both PSN and Xbox Live have been down on more than one occasion. For those keeping count, Microsoft's service has had more problems this year. Gaming analyst, Tidux, tweeted out an interesting observation: 

The Microsoft status page is also showing that Xbox Live Core Services such as signing in; creating, managing, or recovering an account and search are also experiening issues. This impacts directly on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Xbox on Windows 10.

DOWN AGAIN: Xbox Live is experiencing fresh issues for the second night running. Xbox One users are facing a third night of problems trying to use Xbox Live core services, Microsoft has confirmed. In the last few minutes Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows 

The Microsoft status page is also showing that Xbox Live Core Services such as signing in; creating, managing, or recovering an account and search are also experiening issues. This impacts directly on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Xbox on Windows 10.

This downtime came hours after another similar downtime hit Xbox Live services last night. According to an update from the Xbox Live status page, currently the services that remain affected include downloading things you've purchased, making purchases,