WSJ features 'Foxcatcher' redevelopment in Newtown Square

The whole ambitious operation, despite his scowling mother's disapproval, would be named after his family estate, Foxcatcher Farms. As anyone familiar with his story will know, the metaphorical fox that DuPont was chasing through his wrestling endeavor 

Foxcatcher has opened in cinemas to a rapture of critical acclaim. The story is centred around John DuPont and his eccentric involvement in funding Olympic wrestlers Mark Schultz and Dave Schultz. Despite this being a true story, with several

The whole ambitious operation, despite his scowling mother's disapproval, would be named after his family estate, Foxcatcher Farms. As anyone familiar with his story will know, the metaphorical fox that DuPont was chasing through his wrestling endeavor 

Steve Carell, Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo give career-best performances in the horribly magnificent true story of the billionaire who mentored the US Olympic wrestling team, writes Peter Bradshaw.

Kenny Harms, a veteran Tour caddie, will tell you that Tiger Woods is the second-most impressive athlete he has ever met. He ranks only Dave Schultz ahead of him. Not Dave Schultz as played (brilliantly) by Mark Ruffalo in the 2014 film Foxcatcher.