Witness: Mike Brown was 'shot like an animal'

Hundreds of residents packed two churches Tuesday evening for community meetings about the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was confronted by a Ferguson officer while walking with a friend in the street near his 

The Anonymous hackers have made good on their threats to disrupt the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, shutting down its website and phone lines for a time and threatening to name the officer who killed Mike Brown if the officials don't do so soon.

Hundreds of residents packed two churches Tuesday evening for community meetings about the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was confronted by a Ferguson officer while walking with a friend in the street near his 

The Anonymous hackers have made good on their threats to disrupt the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, shutting down its website and phone lines for a time and threatening to name the officer who killed Mike Brown if the officials don't do so soon.

The Anonymous hackers have made good on their threats to disrupt the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, shutting down its website and phone lines for a time and threatening to name the officer who killed Mike Brown if the officials don't do so soon.