Will Smith movie 'Focus' tops the box office

After Earth, Men in Black 3, Seven Pounds It's been a while since Will Smith lived up to his star status in a film worth having his name above the title. As Nicky, a con artist's con artist in Focus, he redeems himself somewhat in a generic, but

The bottom line for movies about con games is they need to stay one step ahead of us without making us feel like idiots as each twist is revealed. On that measure, “Focus” works just fine. Its schemes are clever, high stakes and not entirely impossible

A romantic caper stocked with con artists, good looks but little sizzle, Focus is no Trouble in Paradise, House of Games or The Grifters. This ultra-slick, fantasy-inducing visit to an international wonder world of wealth and 

The emotional payoff in "Focus" might not be as strong as in their previous efforts — which notably includes screenwriting duties on 2003's "Bad Santa," a film that effectively introduced Requa and Ficarra to Hollywood. It also suffers ever so

Focus review – Will Smith and Margot Robbie pull off the perfect con movie, almost.