Will Obama Use Executive Order to Close Guantanamo Bay?

On the heels of President Barack Obama's unveiling of a plan to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, PETA sent a letter this morning to newly appointed Special Envoy for Guantanamo Closure Lee Wolosky with a proposal to turn the shuttered 

President Obama put forward a plan to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay — something he promised to do at the very beginning of his presidency. But the plan landed with a thud in Congress, raising questions about what happens next.

President Obama sent Congress a proposal for how the U.S. could close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and move its occupants to the U.S. It's expected to make little headway against opponents in the Republican-controlled Congress.

President Obama sent Congress a proposal for how the U.S. could close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and move its occupants to the U.S. It's expected to make little headway against opponents in the Republican-controlled Congress.

WASHINGTON (Satire from The Borowitz Report)—Making good on one of his key campaign promises, President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday relocating the United States Congress to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The President seemed to