Will Bitcoin-Friendly Voat.co Replace Reddit?

Upset over what they consider an act of censorship, users are flocking to less-popular, not-yet-banned pages — and ditching the site for an anarchic Reddit clone called Voat, which promises to let them hate fat people in peace. The community has an 

a decision to ban content that included images or videos of non-consensual sex. In protest, groups of users switched allegiances and moved to the Reddit clone site Voat.co — which prides itself on not censoring any content.

Yet while an influx of new users could potentially be a boon for any number of sites, for one it's been a curse; similarly structured up/down voting site Voat.co has been dropped by its webhost over the wave of "politically incorrect" content it

This news later seeped into the rest of the Reddit community, causing many users to relocate to Voat.co, a media aggregation website with less rules to govern it. As of the time of this writing, Voat is going offline intermittently due to the

Voat has had to rapidly upgrade its server capacity after the site became a hub for anti-censorship users fleeing from its competitor, Reddit. For many ex-Redditors, Voat embodies the idea of free speech within the law, an idea that was once embraced