Wildstar developer Chad Moore on the challenges of MMOs

I got access to Wildstar a long long time ago when it was still ridiculously early. Even at that stage of the game I knew it was awesome. It was so awesome in fact that I decided to stop playing it. I decided that the game was so 

Head start for WildStar starts on Saturday, but where will you be creating your character? How can you know without a server list? You can't. So it's a good thing that the official server list has been released for both US and EU 

The head start for Carbine Studio's new science fiction MMO WildStar kicked off early this morning, giving birth to thousands of weird little animal people with giant eyes. We're going to follow one of them into the wilds of the 

How smoothly will WildStar's launch go? Will it go down in flames like an Exile ship blasted by the Dominion? Massively's MJ is more likely to roll a Dominion character, and you know how she feels about the Dominion!

WildStar's latest trailer is one of those our-game-has-everything teasers, and so of course there's a bit about PvP buried in there somewhere. I'm warming to the game, and I'm also considering PvP more than I usually do in