Wicked Michigan weather update: Here's the new timeline on a nasty snowstorm

Get the long johns back out: The coldest weather in three years will howl through Dallas-Fort Worth over the next few days. The same Arctic air that will put a frosty bite on football fans in Green Bay on Sunday will make for miserable conditions here

Blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, tornadoes, heat and cold, floods and drought – we have it all here in New England. Especially the "biggies," that is, the weather events that can impact or.

A potential gold mine for Wall Street has entered the deep freeze.

Blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, tornadoes, heat and cold, floods and drought – we have it all here in New England. Especially the "biggies," that is, the weather events that can impact or.

City of Tulsa crews reported to work Saturday at 4 p.m. in order to monitor weather and prepare vehicles that could be needed in the following days, city spokeswoman Michelle Allen said in a release. Allen said in the event of snow accumulation city