Health experts have criticized the Social Security Institution (SGK) for not covering the expenses of hepatitis C drugs, which can reportedly cure 95 percent of diseases caused by virus. Living with Hepatitis Association (HEPYAŞAM) President Hilal
Health experts have criticized the Social Security Institution (SGK) for not covering the expenses of hepatitis C drugs, which can reportedly cure 95 percent of diseases caused by virus. Living with Hepatitis Association (HEPYAŞAM) President Hilal
Sarah Jackson had quit abusing drugs and had been sober for six months when she found out she had hepatitis C. "That was weeks of not sleeping and just constant tears," she says. "I had already put a lot of that behind me and had been moving forward
A Kansas legislative panel is recommending that hepatitis C patients who drink alcohol or stop using their medications should lose Medicaid coverage. The KanCare Oversight Committee also recommended this week that the state health department use step
That's what they call hepatitis C, which is so common in parts of India's Punjab state that the tailor-shop gossips might not be off base in their estimate. But prevalence could be something of an advantage these days. Drugmakers have made the village