Why Google Buying Twitch Is An Unsettling Thought

YouTube has agreed to acquire video game streaming service Twitch for more than $1 billion, sources tell Variety. The all-cash deal is expected to be announced soon, unidentified sources told the entertainment news site. If completed, the acquisition

Gamers, be warned — Twitch might soon be thrust under the umbrella of the big, bad Google. YouTube reportedly wants to buy the video games streaming network for over $1 billion. The news isn't official, though Variety has 

Both Variety and The Wall Street Journal have reported tonight that Google is in talks to buy Twitch. Some people are happy about this. Other people are not.

Twitch is best thought of as a live streaming, gaming-focused version of YouTube. The streamer loads up his or her favorite game, and the audience watches and participates via an integrated chat room. Twitch recently made headlines as the host of

Gamers, be warned — Twitch might soon be thrust under the umbrella of the big, bad Google. YouTube reportedly wants to buy the video games streaming network for over $1 billion. The news isn't official, though Variety has