White and gold or blue and black it doesn't matter — the dress is ugly

The image quickly went viral with some saying the dress is blue and black while others insist it's white and gold. But how can this be? Many have theorized the cones and rods in our eyes cause some people to see blue and black while others will see

The image quickly went viral with some saying the dress is blue and black while others insist it's white and gold. But how can this be? Many have theorized the cones and rods in our eyes cause some people to see blue and black while others will see

Why are people asking me what colour this dress is when you can blatantly see black and blue like cmon its pretty obvious. — Jack Johnson (@JackJackJohnson) February 26, 2015. But others are saying it is gold and white.

The debate, which started after a photo of the dress was posted Tumblr, has raised some obvious scientific questions about why people are seeing the dress in different colours. Experts seem to have a few different answers. But it's all related to the

The debate, which started after a photo of the dress was posted Tumblr, has raised some obvious scientific questions about why people are seeing the dress in different colours. Experts seem to have a few different answers. But it's all related to the