When You Netflix Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, You'll Be Somewhat Amused

With her fine porcelain features and pitch-perfect accent, she seems so cut from the Jane Austen cloth that it's hard to believe she hasn't appeared in one of the many adaptations until today, when Pride and Prejudice and Zombies hits theaters. Of

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)- Jane Austen is rolling over in her grave from laughing so hard. Kevin chats with the stars of this movie mash-up you've been living .. or dying .. for. Filed in: Kevin's Reel World. Suggest a correction. ×. Suggest A

With her fine porcelain features and pitch-perfect accent, she seems so cut from the Jane Austen cloth that it's hard to believe she hasn't appeared in one of the many adaptations until today, when Pride and Prejudice and Zombies hits theaters. Of

How to make a mash-up: Into a cauldron, toss some historical or fictional character, dusty novel, or ancient fairy tale. The more staid or stale or out of fashion, the better. Then, stir in creatures or villains from some different genre: zombies

This is not a bug of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but a feature, one which does not obscure or ridicule its source but often enhances, shining a new light on what made it great to begin with. The mark of a classic is in the retelling; in the