When Presidents Day Was Bicycle Day

ARCHBALD — Many school districts that were supposed to have off for Presidents' Day ended up in class because of the number of snow days leading up to the holiday weekend. The superintendent of the Valley View 

Every Presidents' Day, I honor the 43 men who have served in the nation's highest office by relistening to the Simpsons' ditty, "We are the mediocre presidents." The lyrics — set to the tune of "Hail to the Chief" — presented for your enjoyment: We

Let me begin with Presidents' Day. It's a nice long weekend. But it says nothing about the greatness of certain American presidents. Whatever happened to Washington's Birthday? Or

For most of us, Presidents' Day means little more than a long weekend. This year, that's going to change. For all their starched suits, staged handshakes, and scandals, presidents are people, too — with pet grizzly bears and 

America honors its first chief executive during the annual President's Day holiday. And while the day remains mainly one to honor George Washington, it has come to represent a time to celebrate all U.S. leaders. It turns out, however, that who exactly