When Presidents Day Was Bicycle Day

For many stores, Presidents Day is an opportunity to hold big sales. Presidents Day was originally marked to honor George Washington's birthday — which is on Feb. 22 — but was eventually moved to the third Monday in February as part of the 1971

Let me begin with Presidents' Day. It's a nice long weekend. But it says nothing about the greatness of certain American presidents. Whatever happened to Washington's Birthday? Or

Presidents' Day is traditionally a day that banks, the post office, and many government offices close down for the day, but there are some exceptions. While the majority of banks and credit unions will be closed on Monday, 

America honors its first chief executive during the annual President's Day holiday. And while the day remains mainly one to honor George Washington, it has come to represent a time to celebrate all U.S. leaders. It turns out, however, that who exactly

Although the third Monday in February has become popularly known as President's Day, the NYSE's designation of Washington's Birthday as an Exchange holiday (Rule 51) follows the form of the federal holiday outlined above (section 6103 (a) of title 5 of