When is Daylight Savings Time in 2014?

As the saying goes, spring forward and fall back one hour for daylight saving time. Here's what you need to know about changing your clocks this year, and the debate over getting rid of DST. First, when do I need to change my clocks? Move your clocks

We still see people worrying before the daylight savings time change in 2014, which is due to an iPhone bug seen a few years ago that also hit some iPad owners as well. Many of our Apple gadgets will be running iOS 8.1 during the fall daylight savings

So if you are asking, "When does daylight savings 2014 time end?" "Do we change clocks before Halloween?" The answer is the date Daylight Savings Time (DST) will end for Florida is on Sunday, November 2, 2014.

The sun soon may set forever on daylight saving time in Utah. As the state released a survey showing that the vast majority of Utahns prefer to dump it, Rep. Lee Perry, R-Perry, said Wednesday

The sun soon may set forever on daylight saving time in Utah. As the state released a survey showing that the vast majority of Utahns prefer to dump it, Rep. Lee Perry, R-Perry, said Wednesday