When Delight Turns to Reality, It's Goodbye, Easter Bunny

We do Easter egg hunts and put sad-looking yellow chickens with loose eyespots on display in straw nests and eat nothing but chocolate for three days straight. But there's a war going on, and the Easter Bunny is at the centre of it. The relationship

How adorable are these little guys? And not that difficult to make (just snip the ears on regular rolls)! Blogger Nicole Bangerter of 'Mom Always Finds Out' has the full recipe on how to cuten up your Easter dinner tonight. Best part? You can use this

Once a year the Easter Bunny travels the various planes of existence, delivering delicious candy to all the good little girls and boys. They're easier to find in some places than others. Oh stop crying, it's just a Photoshop contest 

Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times. “If rabbits are given as a gift for Easter without a lot of education, they're going to end up giving it away a few months later — it's a no-brainer,” said Margo DeMello, president of the House Rabbit Society. In

It's the psychic hazing that we're, as a society, all pretty comfortable with. We speak, naturally, of a visit with the dreaded Easter Bunny. As is our annual tradition, we've gathered some of history's greatest bunny-eared monsters for your PTSD-laden