When a Stock Market Theory Is Contagious

I'd love to tell you that editors and decision-makers across the country and around the globe heard that plea – based on the Dow being antiquated and no longer any sort of true gauge of “the market” – and immediately started modernizing their thinking.

Since Sept. 18, the stock market has fallen more than 6 percent. An abrupt decline last week — after five years of gains — prompted fears that the market may have reached a major turning point. Has a bear market begun? It's a great question. The

Since Sept. 18, the stock market has fallen more than 6 percent. An abrupt decline last week — after five years of gains — prompted fears that the market may have reached a major turning point. Has a bear market begun? It's a great question. The

"Jesse Livermore," who pseudonymously blogs at Philosophical Economics, predicted on the eve of the Alibaba IPO that the market would put in its yearly high in the first hour of trading on that day. He nailed that trade to the 

Whether the market is efficient or inefficient doesn't matter as long as you get costs out of the way, invest for the long term, and pay no attention to the foolishness that goes on in the short term in the stock market. In one of the