What's in a Name? The Anonymous Horror of It Follows

But not in It Follows. The deliriously frightening new low-budget horror film by David Robert Mitchell bucks the genre's habit of over-explaining monsters by going in the exact opposite direction—revealing nothing. The premise is deceptively simple

David Robert Mitchell's tale of a fatal curse that can only be transmitted to an unwitting lover taps into primal anxieties so effectively you can't help but be traumatised.

David Robert Mitchell's tale of a fatal curse that can only be transmitted to an unwitting lover taps into primal anxieties so effectively you can't help but be traumatised.

In this video, the writer and director David Robert Mitchell discusses the opening sequence of his teenage horror drama “It Follows,” opening March 13, about an evil force that steadily tracks its victims. Write A Comment.

That movie was called "It Follows," and it opens in theaters today. Film critic David Edelstein has this review. DAVID EDELSTEIN, BYLINE: There are many ways a filmmaker can try to scare an audience – fancy special effects, loud noises, things jumping