What we know – and don't know – about Obamacare

One (among many) of the more stunning elements of Obamacare's six-month run thus far has been the administration's increasingly desperate ploys to get "millennials" to sign up as the sort-of enrollment deadline looms.

Maryland is close to dropping its $125.5 million online health care insurance exchange, according to a report by The Washington Post.

Critics of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, however, have no intention of muting their warnings of costly complications ahead. And the public, still refereeing, will likely be as confused as ever. To lay out the 

After six long months of Obamacare enrollment, today's the final day – sort of – to sign up for health insurance this year. Enrollment turned out better than you might have imagined after HealthCare.gov stumbled badly out of the gate, but the overall

Maryland is close to dropping its $125.5 million online health care insurance exchange, according to a report by The Washington Post.