What to make of Obama's tepid response on net neutrality

The Federal Communication Commission voted Thursday morning to move forward with proposed rules for net neutrality that may affect the concept of an open internet as it exists today. Led by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, 

“I will take a backseat to no one in my commitment to network neutrality,” Obama told a crowd at Google in 2008. “Because once providers start to privilege some applications or websites over others then the smaller voices get squeezed out and we all

The biggest critics of the proposed rules are tech companies and Net neutrality advocates, who worry that allowing this will give free reign to network providers to arbitrarily add surcharges for accessing third-party Internet outfits. Venture

The FCC's net neutrality rules and problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs are set to be top topics on Sunday's news shows. Here are the guest lineups, as compiled by the Associated Press: ABC's “This Week”: Eli Capilouto; president of the

As you may have seen from all the recent discussion around Net Neutrality, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the continued development of an open Internet. This Thursday, the FCC will be unveiling their “Open