What on earth does 'Auld Lang Syne' mean?

Here is one way to say goodbye to 2014: Play "Auld Lang Syne" by spinning 57 tequila-filled bottles in a hand-cranked carousel next to re-engineered Shop-Vac connected to a gramophone. The result is what tequila brand 

We all know the first line of Auld Lang Syne. Most people murmur their way through the rest of the lyrics in a champagne-fuelled, half-assed attempt. When the clocks strike midnight tonight, will you be confidently singing your way through will you be

We all know the first line of Auld Lang Syne. Most people murmur their way through the rest of the lyrics in a champagne-fuelled, half-assed attempt. When the clocks strike midnight tonight, will you be confidently singing your way through will you be

Sure, practically everyone knows the tune to the New Year's Eve song “Auld Lang Syne,” but what about the lyrics or its meaning? Even if New Year's celebrators have managed not to become intoxicated by the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31, most would

Auld Lang Syne: 1925. From somewhere in England circa 1925 comes this 4×5 glass negative of two libated and liberated ladies lounging in their pyjamas by the garden wall. Shorpy lifts his glass in a toast to them, to you,