What Is Voat? Reddit FatPeopleHate Ban Has Users Migrate To Unmoderated …

Only one artist left the The Voice this week, something of a bittersweet outcome. At least Voice fans only see one favorite leave rather than two this week. Unfortunately, with so few spaces left, it's inevitable that an otherwise well-liked artist

“So essentially,” wrote one Voat convert during a Q&A with the site's founders, “I can be offensive to anybody, as offensive as I want, as long as no death threats, etc., and you guys will not ban me?” This, to be clear, is the real issue at the heart

some have pointed out the bias of Reddit admins for leaving known harassers alone such as those in the "SRS" subreddit, others have attempted to re-create the banned subreddit "FatPeopleHate", and many have gone to overwhelm Voat (a competitor).

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You've probably never heard of Voat, but the free-speech-loving little Reddit clone is the hottest website in Troll City today. After Reddit officially banned several vile and abusive subreddits, a flood of Redditors fled to Voat, where similar