What Is Oil Pulling And Does It Work? Method's Health Benefits Include Whiter …

Image and text by Gabrielle. Oil pulling is by far the most hippie thing I've ever done. If you had told me 2 months ago that I was about to stop brushing my teeth, my confused response would have been something like, 

Guys. This totally a phallic post. Let's go back a couple centuries & talk about the best thing ever: oil pulling. Oil pulling was initially introduced to me by my BF & partner, Erica. She also runs the blog, Fashionlush & posted 

WASHINGTON — An ancient practice to improve oral health is a little tough to swallow, but health bloggers are swearing by the benefit of "oil pulling." Oil pulling is an age-old remedy that cleans teeth and gums by rinsing out the mouth with oil. The

While I cannot comment on how effectively oil pulling removes toxins, I can testify to it improving the health of my gums. Others have reported a myriad of benefits from weight loss, reduced asthma severity, to clearer sinuses, healthier skin, whiter

Guys. This totally a phallic post. Let's go back a couple centuries & talk about the best thing ever: oil pulling. Oil pulling was initially introduced to me by my BF & partner, Erica. She also runs the blog, Fashionlush & posted