What is a caucus and why does Iowa have one?

DES MOINES, Iowa — On Saturday at noon, several dozen Latino voters will fill the Mary J. Treglia Community House in Sioux City for a mock caucus ahead of Monday's statewide vote. They will be greeted by a registration table, representatives from the

We're now just a few days from the Iowa caucuses, and the candidates are urgently trying to figure out how to pull ahead. Using past entrance polls as a guide, somewhere between 40 and 60 percent of those who show up to caucus will be doing so for the 

The Iowa caucuses have been the first major electoral event of the presidential election cycle since the 1970s, and today serve the role of winnowing the field and helping anti-establishment candidates pick up steam. Most recently in 2008, Barack Obama

Sonali Durham and Laura Cornell may be caucus newcomers, but few will be better prepared than the two high school seniors come Monday night. The 17-year-olds have been knocking on doors for the Bernie Sanders campaign since last summer. They've 

In Iowa, voters gather together in one of 1,681 precincts around the state to decide whom they want to support for their party's nomination. Caucuses differ from the primaries most states hold. Caucuses are designed to choose electoral delegates in the