What Apple's U2 Album Launch Means For Apple

Even though the album is free on iTunes, many users found U2's surprise release difficult to access. Here's how to get it (and get rid of it).

Memories are a blast on “Songs of Innocence,” the album that U2 released on Tuesday afternoon as a worldwide giveaway. With a title that echoes William Blake, the album is a blast of discoveries, hopes, losses, fears and newfound resolve in lyrics that

Apple often features Irish rock band U2 when it wants to demonstrate that the music business has changed. Back in 2004, when the iPod was king, U2 had a special edition device along with “the world's first digital box set” on iTunes. In 2007, just

U2 sent shockwaves across the music industry on Tuesday when it said it would give away its latest album on Apple's iTunes. Free would have been inconceivable before the digital age. Now, it may be the future. Recording artists and music companies are 

Adding to the tsunami of major announcements coming out of Cupertino on Friday, Apple and Irish rockers U2 teamed up to give away a free copy the band's new album to each one of the more than 500 million iTunes