Watch Dogs Review: A Wizard Did It

Some players may want to familiarize themselves with the world ahead of Watch Dogs' release tomorrow and need all the resources they can get. With that in mind, this video guides viewers through the game's map, courtesy 

Poor Watch Dogs. Had it come out eight months earlier, it would have taken the world by storm and cemented its position as the premier sandbox game. Unfortunately, a little title (with over a billion dollars in sales) called 

It's a tough situation for developers. You want your fans to think you're bringing them the moon with a new game, but with those sorts of lofty promises, you sometimes oversell your own product. When played in a vacuum, Watch Dogs is a very good

The advanced technology in Watch Dogs is not just indistinguishable from magic – it IS magic. The game would have you believe you're the world's.

S. If you've ever picked up a new video game and thought "Gee, I wish this had a bunch of terrible Internet humor," this one's for you. Watch Dogs, the open-world hacking extravaganza released today by Ubisoft for current-