Was Ben Carson Falling Asleep During The GOP Debate?

So it is perhaps not surprising that those two candidates clocked the most speaking time at the debate, Cruz at 17 minutes, 52 seconds, and Trump right behind him at 17 minutes, 12 seconds, according to NRP's count. Notably further behind was Ben

When the Fox Business Network moderators asked neurosurgeon Ben Carson his first question during Thursday's GOP primary debate, he was quick to joke about his mild manners. Carson said he appreciated being asked a question so early in the debate, 

But hours later during the prime time debate, when asked how he would fight a nationless enemy such as ISIS, one-time frontrunner Ben Carson also brought up the possibility of America's enemies deploying an electromagnetic pulse as a weapon of war.

Ben Carson's closing statements showed a man undeterred by alleged turmoil in his inner circle. The subject was shockingly never broached by moderators Neil Cavuto and Mario Bartiromo, though it undoubtedly must have weighed heavily on Carson's 

There has been much speculation in recent months surrounding Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's alleged heroin addiction. I myself was convinced of the veracity of the allegations up until a few weeks ago. I'm relieved that it isn't true