War Machine, former MMA fighter who allegedly attacked Christy Mack …

Christy Mack (via Instagram) underwent yet another surgery to correct injuries she sustained in the alleged attack from her ex-boyfriend, former UFC and Bellator fighter Jon Koppenhaver. "War Machine," who remains incarcerated in Nevada, is scheduled

War Machine left a suicide note in his cell and authorities have now placed him in medical isolation and on a suicide watch. Koppenhaver was arrested on Aug. 15 a week after he reportedly beat his former girlfriend Christy Mack. The 23-year old porn

Christy Mack gave fans an update on her recovery from the alleged War Machine assault as Jonathan Koppenhaver is in a “positive” mood despite being in jail. Mack was allegedly beaten by the mixed martial arts fighter last month,leaving her in the

Adult film actress Christy Mack released a statement along with photos documenting the beating she sustained at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, MMA fighter War Machine.

Christy Mack says her recovery is going great and she's only a few surgeries away from fixing the damage done to her face — allegedly by…