War Machine, former MMA fighter who allegedly attacked Christy Mack …

War Machine left a suicide note in his cell and authorities have now placed him in medical isolation and on a suicide watch. Koppenhaver was arrested on Aug. 15 a week after he reportedly beat his former girlfriend Christy Mack. The 23-year old porn

It has been just two months since Christy Mack was heinously assaulted by former boyfriend Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver, and the adult film star is still facing a long road to recovery. While her ex-boyfriend has been claiming that she “got what she 

Christy Mack says her recovery is going great and she's only a few surgeries away from fixing the damage done to her face — allegedly by…

Christy Mack says her recovery is going great and she's only a few surgeries away from fixing the damage done to her face — allegedly by…

The 32-year-old athlete, who was arrested on charges including assault and kidnapping, has been absent on the social-media site since tweeting about the August altercation that involved his ex-girlfriend, Christy Mack, and a male friend. With no bail