Wall Street Journal corrects Malaysia Airlines story

U.S. investigators and national security officials suspect Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours after reaching its last confirmed location, based on engine data sent to the ground from the Boeing aircraft. Jeffrey Ng

Google removed two Chrome browser extensions from its web store after it was discovered the software included code that served people ads in a way that violated the company's terms of service.

Not even the nation's top law-enforcement officer is safe from the growing number of fraudsters filing false tax returns based on stolen identities. Two Georgia men filed a tax return with the name, birthday and social security 

The information deficit explains why the Wall Street Journal's investigative story on the missing airliner landed with such impact. Written by Wall Street Journal reporter Andy Pasztor with assists from five other newspaper staffers, the story had a

The agency's so-called power-flow analysis found that different sets of nine big substations produced similar results. The Wall Street Journal isn't publishing the list of 30 critical substations studied by FERC. The commission declined to discuss the