Vote: What Should Be the Last Song on Mad Men?

Mad Men has always had planes on its mind. Betty flew to Reno to get a divorce from Don. Pete's dad died in a plane crash. Ted's a pilot. Don loved — and then lost — Mohawk Airlines. He met Neve Campbell's 

After watching this week's episode, "The Milk and Honey Route," I think I know how Mad Men is going to end in Sunday's finale episode. I feel certain of at least one plot development, and I can envision a couple of strong options for the final scene

Everyone grew up in Matthew Weiner's penultimate episode of "Mad Men," but Betty and Sally rightfully stole the show.

If you're like me, you read Mad Men recaps because you want to dissect the symbolism. You want to look at the woman lying by the pool at Don's motel, see that she's reading The Woman of Rome, and think, Huh. Wasn't 

Mad Men has always had planes on its mind. Betty flew to Reno to get a divorce from Don. Pete's dad died in a plane crash. Ted's a pilot. Don loved — and then lost — Mohawk Airlines. He met Neve Campbell's