Video shows Texas student at car dealership before officer fatally shot him

Angelo State University college football player Christian Taylor was shot and killed by a police officer in Dallas after the unarmed 19-year-old crashed a car through the front window of a car dealership on Aug. 7, police say.

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christian taylor san angelo state shot dead Christian Taylor, a college sophomore and defensive back for the San Angelo State University football team in Arlington, Texas, was shot and killed by police during an alleged 

CCTV footage from the early hours of Friday morning shows black teenager, Christian Taylor, arrive at a car dealership in Arlington, Texas. He is seen vandalising a car on the lot before driving his own vehicle into the dealership building. The unarmed 

The officer involved was in the last stages of his field training when he shot Christian Taylor, 19, multiple times at a car dealership in Arlington, Police Chief Will Johnson said. Footage released by a security company after the incident shows a man