Video: Freddie Gray Family Attorney Tries To Slip Lie Past Greta, Pays BIG Price

Fox News' Greta Van Susteren called to account the attorney for Freddie Gray's family when he tried to characterize the mistrial of one of the accused officers as anything other than a loss for the prosecution. Attorney Billy Murphy tried to play down

Fox News' Greta Van Susteren called to account the attorney for Freddie Gray's family when he tried to characterize the mistrial of one of the accused officers as anything other than a loss for the prosecution. Attorney Billy Murphy tried to play down

Watch Freddie Gray's Family Attorney Push Back On O'Reilly's Assertion That Baltimore Protesters Are Immoral. Bill Murphy: "This Is A Free Speech Society" And "These Young People Last Night Who Came Out And Protested Were Well Within Their Rights".

Watch Freddie Gray's Family Attorney Push Back On O'Reilly's Assertion That Baltimore Protesters Are Immoral. Bill Murphy: "This Is A Free Speech Society" And "These Young People Last Night Who Came Out And Protested Were Well Within Their Rights".

CNN law enforcement analyst Johnathan Gilliam hopes that Maryland State's Attorney for Baltimore Marilyn Mosby, who is prosecuting the Freddie Gray case, retries Officer William Porter in order for her credibility to be “destroyed.” Appearing on