Video captures a Mola Mola dwarfing divers swimming alongside it

A 2013 video featuring a giant Mola mola, the world's largest bony fish swimming next to a bunch of divers, has gone viral again. A part of the original video, which already had over 3 million views on YouTube, was recently embedded on a Facebook page 

A 2013 video featuring a giant Mola mola, the world's largest bony fish swimming next to a bunch of divers, has gone viral again. A part of the original video, which already had over 3 million views on YouTube, was recently embedded on a Facebook page 

Δύτες κατέγραψαν στον Ατλαντικό μια σπάνια συνάντηση με ένα τεράστιο Mola Mola, το παράξενο ψάρι που μοιάζει σαν να έχει μισό κορμί και πλέει γαλήνια «εξαφανίζοντας» τους μικροσκοπικούς ανθρώπους, όπως δείχνουν δίπλα του. Τα ψάρια αυτά, γνωστά 

Esta extraña especie marina se llama 'Mola Mola' y puede llegar a pesar más de 2,200 kilos. Facebook: Buzo captó al pez óseo más grande del mundo en impresionante video. (ViralHog/YouTube) 

Molas, a traditional textile craft, are made from layers of colored fabric that are stitched and cut using applique techniques to create patterns and pictures. They originated in Panama, with the women of the Kuna tribe in the San Blas islands. But