Veterans honored at 87th Winnetka Memorial Day observance

VFW Trustee Peter Gessner, Post Commander Pete Hoffman, Ladies Auxiliary President Laura Odom and Secretary Jeannie Hoffman all gathered at the Sacred Heart Cemetery to place flags on the graves of veterans in observance of Memorial Day.

Scout Brown, Reese Lawrence, Aidan Lawrence and Maddie Szkwarek hold up a check for the Currie family from the Park Ridge Indian Scouts and Indian Princesses before the Memorial Day parade May 26. | Curtis Lehmkuhl/For Sun-Times Media.

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The security that lets us live in peace, the prosperity that allows us to pursue our dreams, the freedom that we cherish — these were earned by the blood and the sacrifices of patriots who went before. This Memorial Day, as we 

Members of a veteran's group release balloons for the Agent Orange Memorial for those affected by the chemical agent in Vietnam at a Memorial Day Ceremony at the South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth, Florida.