Veterans honored at 87th Winnetka Memorial Day observance

The security that lets us live in peace, the prosperity that allows us to pursue our dreams, the freedom that we cherish — these were earned by the blood and the sacrifices of patriots who went before. This Memorial Day, as we 

Find out more about the history of Memorial Day, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on

(May 26, 2014) – On this Memorial Day, Autism Speaks salutes the thousands of men and women who have given their lives to protect the United States of America. These great American heroes hold a special place in our 

Residents living on Elm Street in Winnetka placed tables and chairs along the curb in anticipation of Monday's Memorial Day parade, but they weren't needed once the ceremony began. As the veterans began marching toward the village green everyone 

That's when Grand Rapids plans to hold its Memorial Day parade. After the procession, the public is invited to gather at Veterans Memorial Park to re-dedicate a war monument which now contains the names of David Warsen and Zachary Shanafelt, who both