Veterans honored at 87th Winnetka Memorial Day observance

(May 26, 2014) – On this Memorial Day, Autism Speaks salutes the thousands of men and women who have given their lives to protect the United States of America. These great American heroes hold a special place in our 

Brantley Gilbert's Memorial Day Visit to Arlington National Cemetery. May 28, 2014; Written by Samantha Stephens. Brantley Gilbert. It was an emotional weekend for Americans as we paused to honor the fallen men and women of our armed 

What does Memorial Day mean to you? When I was a child it meant only a week more of school and the beginning of camping season. At that age I never really understood why my dad treated it as a solemn day. When I was a 

As unpatriotic as it might sound, sending students to school on Memorial Day can be blamed on Old Man Winter. Schools officials in Augusta County, Staunton and Waynesboro had to alter school schedules to make up for too many snow days taken this year, 

President Obama commemorates Memorial Day by traveling to Arlington National Cemetery, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and delivering remarks honoring our fallen troops.