Vernal Equinox 2015: Solar eclipse, supermoon kick off spring in the Northern …

The vernal equinox is commonly called the first day of spring, and in some areas of the world it is a huge national holiday. President Obama even celebrates it at the White House. Of course, information that President Obama is celebrating an ancient

In case you haven't heard, there will be three celestial events on Friday, March 20: the vernal equinox, a supermoon and a solar eclipse. But not everyone's at ease about the unusual confluence of these events — and the solar 

Our planet reaches this point in its orbit twice a year – on the autumnal and vernal equinoxes. Ancient civilizations recognized this astronomical phenomenon as the ideal time to begin planting crops and raising livestock – in other words, the first

Adding to the uniqueness of the total eclipse, it falls on the vernal equinox, which officially occurs at 22:45 GMT (6:45 p.m. EDT) and marks the beginning of spring. While the occurrence of an eclipse on the equinox is considered a cyclical event and

The vernal equinox falls on March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the change of seasons and the time when many pagans celebrate Ostara. The spring festival might not be as well known as other pagan celebrations