Verizon Responds to Net Neutrality Vote With Morse Code Statement

In today's news, the FCC approved its net neutrality plan, a "digital brothel" lets people have sex through the internet and Pebble smashes its own crowdfunding records. Read about all the top stories in today's Daily Roundup.

In today's news, the FCC approved its net neutrality plan, a "digital brothel" lets people have sex through the internet and Pebble smashes its own crowdfunding records. Read about all the top stories in today's Daily Roundup.

The open internet finally got the protection it deserves from profit-hungry cable companies. The FCC just approved the strongest set of net neutrality rules in this country's history, punctuating a years-long battle for this future of 

But the FCC's landmark vote Thursday to create net neutrality rules has left Republicans with a split over what to do next, with some conservatives wanting to use every tactic to fight the FCC, and more establishment GOP lawmakers trying to get

They should have been paying attention when the ISPs told investors that a decision in favor of net neutrality would not cause these companies to rethink their broadband investments, while telling the FCC the exact opposite. In most black households