US, several nations gear up Nepal earthquake disaster response

KATMANDU, Nepal — There has not been a day in the two years I have lived in Nepal that I haven't thought about earthquakes. They were, in many ways, my obsession. Katmandu sits on a major geological fault, and the Big One has been long overdue.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon dispatched a cargo plane Sunday to Nepal with about 70 disaster-relief and rescue personnel and their gear to aid the earthquake-ravaged country, as the international response to the disaster gears up. The Air Force C-17 

A 7.9-magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal and India, killing more than 1800 people and injuring hundreds. The most severe damage was seen in Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, where buildings collapsed,…

Two hundred Australians registered as traveling in Nepal before Saturday's earthquake have been located, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Tourism announced on Sunday, as world governments continued to try to account for citizen travelers during

Those two landmarks fronted the enclosed dwelling place of Nepal's Hindu virgin goddess, or Kumari, whose ornate front of bricks, statues and carved wood seem to have survived the initial quakes. It is not immediately known if the inner courtyard and