US Airways won't fire worker who sent lewd tweet

Unless you're living in a cave and are completely off the grid, you may have noticed that US Airways sent out a tweet on Monday that included a graphic image of a woman sexually pleasuring herself with a toy airplane. A screenshot of the uncensored and 

US Airways tweets graphic photo of nude woman to customers, then apologizes. A photo of a naked woman lying with a toy plane between her legs was publicly shared by the airline late Monday afternoon while responding to disgruntled customers who were 

This afternoon, US Airways posted a pornographic photo in a tweet to a customer, and didn't take it down for about an hour. The photo of a nude woman with a model 777 plane inserted into her vagina was part of a tweet 

US Airways tweets graphic photo of nude woman to customers, then apologizes. A photo of a naked woman lying with a toy plane between her legs was publicly shared by the airline late Monday afternoon while responding to disgruntled customers who were 

(Reuters) – US Airways said it was investigating a pornographic tweet on Tuesday sent on its Twitter account in response to a customer complaint about a flight delay, which went viral on social media. US Airways issued an apology on Monday immediately