UPDATE: Texas Tech cheerleader's controversial pics banned by Facebook

Unless, you are Texas Tech cheerleader Kendall Jones. She's a big game hunter — tracking down Lions, cheetahs, elephants and rhinos,killing them, and posting pictures of herself smiling next to their bodies.

Kendall Jones — the teenage hunter whose animal kills have so enraged people — is not the cold-blooded killer she's been made out to be so says her…

Kendall Jones, the Texas Tech marketing and sports therapy major, happens to cheerlead more than Red Raider athletics. Her aim is to promote wildlife conservation, but her effort may be actually championing an oppressive government in Zimbabwe while 

First, a girl named Kendall Jones shoots some endangered animals, and then these other girls also named Kendall Jones are in danger of getting harassed! How does that work, karma? In a serious case of epic fail, innocent girls who don't murder the cast

Model Joanna Krupa is known for her stints on “Real Housewives of Miami” and “Dancing with the Stars” … and for letting her merkin escape her panties in a ridiculous PETA ad. Naturally she couldn't resist tossing some hate at hunter Kendall Jones.