UPDATE: Stephen Collins' Scenes Pulled From Upcoming 'Scandal' Episode In …

Actor Stephen Collins, who played the Rev. Eric Camden on the long-running WB family show “7th Heaven,” is reportedly under investigation for child molestation after an alleged recording surfaced of him confessing in couples therapy to exposing himself

"Over the course of my representation of Stephen in the divorce case, Faye has repeatedly threatened to give this audiotape to the media unless Stephen agreed to pay her millions of dollars more than that to which she was legally entitled," attorney

1007_STEPHEN_collins_house_twitter Stephen Collins' house has been swarmed by LAPD officers after someone in the news media claimed to have heard a shot but TMZ has learned the actor is not at home and he's fine 

Kaplan claims Grant wanted the witness to claim he/she saw Collins molest a girl — not one of the 3 mentioned in the audiotape. Kaplan says the would-be witness saw no such sexual contact, and when that person refused to testify Grant went on the warpath.

Stephen Collins told his wife just before she gave birth to their daughter he was happy it wasn't a boy because he wasn't sure he could resist having oral sex with him this according to the wife, but we're told Collins says