Unpaid bill costs gamers more than $300000 in EVE Online

Since last night, more than 2,000 players have participated in the biggest ever EVE Online battle at B-R5RB and the situation is still not resolved. More players join up every now and then, making this one an iconic fight 

What you see in that image is a Doomsday weapon, a superlaser that can only be fired from a Titan, the largest and most expensive ship in EVE Online. More than 50 of them were present yesterday for an enormous, 

Eve Online is known for its big battles and high-cost defeats, but last night, some 2,000 players took part in an online war with real-world damage costs reaching over $200,000. eve_online. The battle saw many corporations getting involved and is said

Yesterday's humongous space battle in EVE Online — by far the largest in the 10-year history of the spacefaring MMO — is estimated to have destroyed roughly $US284,000 worth of war materiel. That is a real-world value too. The fighting got so big

A huge battle between the N3 Coalition and CFC is raging after an N3 Coalition alliance missed a bill payment and left some territory vulnerable. I will admit to having never played EVE Online. It's not that I haven't tried, it's just that the last