Ultimate Warrior's Wife — My Heart Is Broken … He Was the 'Ultimate …

For weeks, people have been referring to Daniel Bryan's quest to overcome not just Triple H, but Randy Orton and Batista, as his fight against Evolution. Finally at the end of the Monday night, the WWE gave them back their name. In the main event of

The Ultimate Warrior's wife is finally opening up about the shocking death of her husband — saying she's heartbroken by his passing but says the touching WWE tribute is helping her cope. Dana A. Warrior just released an emotional letter to her

TMZ reports the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy concluded there was no foul play in the death of Ultimate Warrior, born James Brian Hellwig, who died suddenly on April 8. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. No drugs or alcohol were in the 

Autopsy reveals The Ultimate Warrior, aka Jim Hellwig, died of cardiovascular disease. The 54-year-old wrestler's given name was James Hellwig. He collapsed April 8 while walking with his wife to their car at a Scottsdale hotel and was pronounced dead

A week after collapsing in a parking lot and dying, doctors have determined that former WWE wrestling star Ultimate Warrior (born Jim Hellwig) died of natural causes. The high-energy grappler known for his neon face paint, jacked physique and energetic