Trump, Cruz Double Down On Baffling Common Core Promises

“It was everyday moms who shamed the Republicans into abandoning Common Core,” syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin averred at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “There are three reasons why Jeb Bush failed: his last name; his support for 

CHARLESTON — The State Board of Education passed a resolution Wednesday in opposition to the Common Core Bill, which, according to the resolution, “disrupts the accountability system” in West Virginia Schools. The resolution states, House Bill 4014, 

CHARLESTON — The State Board of Education passed a resolution Wednesday in opposition to the Common Core Bill, which, according to the resolution, “disrupts the accountability system” in West Virginia Schools. The resolution states, House Bill 4014, 

If you compare the United States to other nations, experts will tell you that American children are not hooked on math. To cure what ails the student body, enter the Common Core standards. One aspect of the 'Core is to promote arithmetic through base

Opponents of Common Core testing plan an “Opt Out, Shop Out” at Roosevelt Field Mall on Saturday morning to encourage boycotts of state standardized tests being given in April to students in grades three through eight. Participants in the event, which