'True Detective' Emmys Loss: Why the TV Academy Got It Wrong (and HBO Had …

“When you have a success like True Detective it's challenging, less for us and more for someone like Nic, how to face the page again and start afresh and not be haunted by the success of the show you've just done,” he said. “But the writing is better

Vince Vaughn is in talks to play the central antagonist (not necessarily the villain or murderer – this is a mystery-based series after all) on the second season of HBO's “True Detective,” while “Mad Men” star Elisabeth Moss is 

The second season of the hit HBO series True Detective is right around the corner and that means we're going to be hearing a casting announcement in the near future. But while we've heard rumors about who will be on the second season of the show, 

DEADLINE: True Detective is a high-water mark in this golden age where pay and cable TV series are as good or better than what we see on movie screens. Still, it's chancy for a movie star to say yes to a TV show. You had a 

EXCLUSIVE: Since the staggering success of HBO's limited series True Detective with Emmy nominees Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, speculation has been rampant about who might take part in the show's