After a mere six episodes, HBO's True Detective has become the breakout TV sensation of 2014, with ratings ascending each week to match the snowballing buzz over the show's mystery (whodunit?) and its various teasing references (Yellow King? Carcosa?)
If you've watched one episode of True Detective, HBO's gritty meditation on good vs. evil, you've likely consumed them all — rabidly, and multiple times. Not since Lost has a television series so deeply tapped into our
True Detective Season 1 Finale Recap Louisiana True Detectives Rust and Marty finally got to the bottom of a very disturbing, 17-year-old mystery Sunday night — but did the HBO series' season-ender give you the resolution
The first season of HBO's True Detective ended on a surprisingly touching and life-affirming note for such a bleak, existentialist crime drama. But what a tense, creepy ride to get there. Hart and Cohle's handling of Gerasi was suitably badass as they
Rust and Marty didn't exactly get a happy ending, but that feels entirely appropriate to a show with as bleak an outlook on humanity as “True Detective” often had.