Trident missile launch sparks UFO freakout in Los Angeles and on Twitter

Black Orb UFO Seen Over Eugene, Oregon On Oct 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News. Date of sighting: October 6, 2015 9:24 am. Location of sighting: Eugene, Oregon, USA Source: MUFON #71227. Often cloud orbs take on 

Witnesses from Southern California to the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday evening said they saw an unexplained moving light in the night sky that was reportedly an unarmed missile test-fired by the U.S. Navy. A viewer's 

An Oregon witness at Eugene reported watching and photographing a dark sphere UFO just above the tree line on an adjacent property, according to testimony in Case 71227 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness 

Green Skin Alien Caught Spying On Woman During Selfie In England, Nov 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News. Date of sighting: November 2015. Location of sighting: Blackpool, Lancashire, NW England News source: 

Trident missile launch A Trident missile launch lit up the skies over Los Angeles at around 6 p.m. PT Saturday. (Credit: Julien Solomita via YouTube). An unannounced Trident missile launch lit up the skies over Los Angeles on Saturday night, setting